
Divorce is one of the topmost stressful life events for anyone, yet around 42% of marriages break down eventually. It does not mean you have failed and you don’t have to face it alone. You WILL get through it and your life will get back on track.

If it is happening to you, you may have many overwhelming questions going round in your head; wondering what the future holds, how to protect your children, yourself and your finances.

You may have decided divorce is the only option, or perhaps you are on the receiving end of your partner issuing divorce proceedings and feeling emotionally devastated, or you may simply have hit a very rocky patch and want to know your options and where you stand.

Divorce can be complex and it is vital you choose a solicitor who listens to you, works with you, provides straight forward legal advice and looks out for you, protecting your legal interests and that of any children, along the way.

We have been doing this for a long time and promise to provide you with the best advice to deal with matters cost effectively and efficiently. We understand the distress you may be experiencing and in providing practical support we will endeavour to make you feel better about moving on to the next chapter of your life.

How long will it take?

The ‘No fault’ based system came into force on 6th April 2022.  Once the initial application has been made there has to be a waiting period of 20 weeks until the next stage of the proceedings, which is making an application for a Conditional Order. 

Following receipt of the Conditional Order, there has to be a period of 6 weeks and 1 day before the Final Order application can be made.

This means that all in all it is likely to be a minimum of 6 months to 9 months from start to finish. 

If there are other issues to be resolved, such as settling the finances of your marriage, you may be advised to delay applying for the final stage of divorce before resolving those finances, which may extend the time it will take to conclude divorce proceedings.


Does it matter who divorces who?

There are now no longer ‘grounds for divorce’.  A divorce application is now made either as a sole or joint application to confirm the marriage has broken down.

What is the procedure involved?

A sole or joint application is made confirming the marriage has broken down.

20 weeks later a Conditional Order application can be made.

6 weeks and 1 day following the Conditional Order being made, a Final Order application can be made which dissolves the marriage.

Will I have to go to court?

Since the No Fault based system has come into force, proceedings cannot be defended. This means a contested hearing is not necessary.  The divorce application is dealt with via an online portal and you will not have to attend court.

How much will it cost?

The court fee to issue a divorce application is £593.00. At Moore Family Law we have an hourly charging rate of £255+vat for our time in handling your divorce process.